

1. 以下哪种类型的智能合约不属于以太坊平台原生支持的?

A. 计算合约
B. 存储合约
C. 网络合约
D. 用户合约

2. 在Solidity中,如何定义一个事件?

A. function() external pure returns (uint)
B. function eventName(uint value) public pure returns (bool)
C. contract MyContract {
    event Event(uint value);
D. contract MyContract {
    event Event;

3. Solidity中的“contract”关键字表示什么?

A. 函数
B. 类
C. 变量
D. 合约

4. 以下哪个函数不是以太坊合约中必须的?

A. constructor()
B. setter()
C. fallback()
D. deploy()

5. Ethereum虚拟机(EVM)中的“栈”是什么?

A. 存储区
B. 寄存器
C. 执行引擎
D. 全局内存

6. 在Solidity中,如何创建一个拥有指定名称和符号的代币合约?

A. contract Token(string name, string symbol)
B. contract Token { string name; string symbol; }
C. contract Token(string name, uint8 symbol)
D. contract Token { string name; uint8 symbol; }

7. 以下哪个语句不是在Solidity中创建类的语法?

A. class ClassName { ... }
B. struct ClassName { ... }
C. interface ClassName { ... }
D. record ClassName { ... }

8. 以下哪种情况下,编译器会报错?

A. 变量未声明
B. 函数返回值类型不匹配
C. 构造函数未调用setter函数
D. 合约中存在未处理的异常

9. 以下哪个函数不是以太坊合约中的事件机制?

A. event()
B. listen()
C. trigger()
D. require()

10. 以下哪个 Solidity 代码片段不是部署合约?

A. contract myContract = new Contract(address(0x123))
B. deploy(myContract)
C. new Contract(address(0x123)).deploy(myContract)
D. Contract(address(0x123)).deploy(myContract)

11. 以下哪个关键字用于定义一个只读属性?

A. readonly
B. const
C. private
D. static

12. 以下哪个方法不是Solidity合约中可以调用的?

A. function() external
B. function private
C. function pure
D. function internal

13. 在Solidity中,如何定义一个具有可变参数的函数?

A. function(string memory _param) public pure returns (uint)
B. function(_param: string) public pure returns (uint)
C. function(bytes32[] memory _param) public pure returns (uint)
D. function(_param: bytes32[]) public pure returns (uint)

14. 以下哪个 Solidity 代码片段是错误的?

A. contract MyContract {
    function() external returns (bool) {
        // ...
        return true;
B. contract MyContract {
    modifier onlyOwner() {
        // ...
C. contract MyContract {
    address owner;
D. contract MyContract {
    function() external {
        // ...

15. 在Solidity中,如何创建一个继承自另一个合约的合约?

A. contract ChildContract(ParentContract parent)
B. contract ChildContract : ParentContract
C. contract ChildContract { ParentContract parent; }
D. contract ChildContract { }

16. 以下哪个 Solidity 代码片段是正确的?

A. contract MyContract {
    function() external returns (bool) {
        // ...
        return true;
B. contract MyContract {
    function() external returns (bool) {
        // ...
        return false;
C. contract MyContract {
    function() external returns (bool) {
        // ...
        return random(0, 2) == 0;
D. contract MyContract {
    function() external returns (bool) {
        // ...
        return block.timestamp > now + 5 seconds;

17. 在Solidity中,如何实现一个去中心化的存储服务?

A. contract DecentralizedStorage {
    mapping(bytes32 => bytes) storage;
B. contract DecentralizedStorage {
    struct StorageEntry {
        address owner;
        bytes data;
    StorageEntry[] storage;
C. contract DecentralizedStorage {
    function(bytes32 key, bytes memory data) public pure returns (bool) {
        // ...
        return true;
D. contract DecentralizedStorage {
    function(bytes32 key, bytes memory data) public pure returns (bool) {
        // ...
        return false;

18. 以下哪个 Solidity 代码片段是错误的?

A. if (block.timestamp < now - 5 seconds) {
    // ...
B. if (block.timestamp <= now - 5 seconds) {
    // ...
C. if (block.timestamp < now - 5 minutes) {
    // ...
D. if (block.timestamp <= now - 5 minutes) {
    // ...

19. 以下哪种情况下,编译器不会自动生成任何代码?

A. 定义了一个接口
B. 定义了一个内部状态机
C. 定义了一个事件驱动的系统
D. 使用了一种新的编程语言

20. 在Solidity中,如何定义一个构造函数?

A. function() external
B. function constructor() external
C. contract MyContract {
    constructor() external
D. contract MyContract {

21. 以下哪个 Solidity 代码片段是错误的?

A. contract MyContract {
    function() external returns (bool) {
        // ...
        return true;
B. contract MyContract {
    function() external returns (bool) {
        // ...
        return false;
C. contract MyContract {
    function() external sets defaultValue(bool) {
        // ...
        defaultValue = true;
D. contract MyContract {
    function() external sets defaultValue(bool) {
        // ...
        defaultValue = false;

22. 以下哪个 Solidity 代码片段是正确的?

A. contract MyContract {
    mapping(bytes32 => bool) isMature;
B. contract MyContract {
    mapping(bytes32 => bool) mature;
C. contract MyContract {
    mapping(bytes32 => bool) isMature;
D. contract MyContract {
    mapping(bytes32 => bool) mature;

23. 以下哪个 Solidity 代码片段是错误的?

A. if (isMature(msg.sender)) {
    // ...
B. if (mature(msg.sender)) {
    // ...
C. if (isMature(msg.sender)) {
    // ...
D. if (mature(msg.sender)) {
    // ...

24. 以下哪个 Solidity 代码片段是正确的?

A. modifier onlyOwner() {
    require(msg.sender == owner, "Only the owner can call this function.");
    // ...
B. modifier onlyOwner() {
    require(msg.sender == owner, "Only the owner can call this function.");
    // ...
C. modifier onlyOwner() {
    require(!isOwner(), "Only the owner can call this function.");
    // ...
D. modifier onlyOwner() {
    require(isOwner(), "Only the owner can call this function.");
    // ...

25. 以下哪个 Solidity 代码片段是错误的?

A. contract MyContract {
    function transferOwnership(address recipient) public {
        // ...
B. contract MyContract {
    function transferOwnership(address recipient) public {
        // ...
C. contract MyContract {
    function transferOwnership(address recipient) public {
        // ...
D. contract MyContract {
    function transferOwnership(address recipient) public {
        // ...

26. 以下哪个 Solidity 代码片段是正确的?

A. contract MyContract {
    function setName(string memory newName) public pure {
        // ...
B. contract MyContract {
    function setName(string memory newName) public pure {
        // ...
C. contract MyContract {
    function setName(string memory newName) public {
        // ...
D. contract MyContract {
    function setName(string memory newName) public {
        // ...

27. 以下哪个 Solidity 代码片段是错误的?

A. event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to)
B. event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to)
C. event Transfer(address from, address to)
D. event Transfer(address from, address to)

28. 以下哪个 Solidity 代码片段是正确的?

A. contract MyContract {
    mapping(bytes32 => uint) storage;
B. contract MyContract {
    mapping(bytes32 => uint) storage;
C. contract MyContract {
    mapping(bytes32 => uint) storage;
D. contract MyContract {
    mapping(bytes32 => uint) storage;

29. 以下哪个 Solidity 代码片段是正确的?

A. contract MyContract {
    function deposit(uint amount) public pure {
        // ...
B. contract MyContract {
    function deposit(uint amount) public pure {
        // ...
C. contract MyContract {
    function deposit(uint amount) public pure {
        // ...
D. contract MyContract {
    function deposit(uint amount) public pure {
        // ...

30. 以下哪个 Solidity 代码片段是错误的?

A. contract MyContract {
    function withdraw(uint amount) public pure {
        // ...
B. contract MyContract {
    function withdraw(uint amount) public pure {
        // ...
C. contract MyContract {
    function withdraw(uint amount) public pure {
        // ...
D. contract MyContract {
    function withdraw(uint amount) public pure {
        // ...

31. 以下哪个 Solidity 代码片段是正确的?

A. contract MyContract {
    function getBalance(address account) public view returns (uint) {
        // ...
B. contract MyContract {
    function getBalance(address account) public view returns (uint) {
        // ...
C. contract MyContract {
    function getBalance(address account) public view returns (uint) {
        // ...
D. contract MyContract {
    function getBalance(address account) public view returns (uint) {
        // ...

32. 以下哪个 Solidity 代码片段是错误的?

A. contract MyContract {
    function setBalance(address account, uint newBalance) public pure {
        // ...
B. contract MyContract {
    function setBalance(address account, uint newBalance) public pure {
        // ...
C. contract MyContract {
    function setBalance(address account, uint newBalance) public pure {
        // ...
D. contract MyContract {
    function setBalance(address account, uint newBalance) public pure {
        // ...

33. 以下哪个 Solidity 代码片段是正确的?

A. contract MyContract {
    function transfer(address recipient, uint amount) public pure {
        // ...
B. contract MyContract {
    function transfer(address recipient, uint amount) public pure {
        // ...
C. contract MyContract {
    function transfer(address recipient, uint amount) public pure {
        // ...
D. contract MyContract {
    function transfer(address recipient, uint amount) public pure {
        // ...

34. 以下哪个 Solidity 代码片段是错误的?

A. contract MyContract {
    function getCount() public view returns (uint) {
        // ...
B. contract MyContract {
    function getCount() public view returns (uint) {
        // ...
C. contract MyContract {
    function getCount() public view returns (uint) {
        // ...
D. contract MyContract {
    function getCount() public view returns (uint) {
        // ...

35. 以下哪个 Solidity 代码片段是正确的?

A. contract MyContract {
    function setMaxSupply(uint newMaxSupply) public pure {
        // ...
B. contract MyContract {
    function setMaxSupply(uint newMaxSupply) public pure {
        // ...
C. contract MyContract {
    function setMaxSupply(uint newMaxSupply) public pure {
        // ...
D. contract MyContract {
    function setMaxSupply(uint newMaxSupply) public pure {
        // ...

36. 以下哪个 Solidity 代码片段是错误的?

A. contract MyContract {
    function addToken(address token) public pure {
        // ...
B. contract MyContract {
    function addToken(address token) public pure {
        // ...
C. contract MyContract {
    function addToken(address token) public pure {
        // ...
D. contract MyContract {
    function addToken(address token) public pure {
        // ...

37. 以下哪个 Solidity 代码片段是正确的?

A. contract MyContract {
    function isAuthorized() public view returns (bool) {
        // ...
B. contract MyContract {
    function isAuthorized() public view returns (bool) {
        // ...
C. contract MyContract {
    function isAuthorized() public view returns (bool) {
        // ...
D. contract MyContract {
    function isAuthorized() public view returns (bool) {
        // ...

38. 以下哪个 Solidity 代码片段是错误的?

A. contract MyContract {
    function call() external payable {
        // ...
B. contract MyContract {
    function call() external payable {
        // ...
C. contract MyContract {
    function call() external payable {
        // ...
D. contract MyContract {
    function call() external payable {
        // ...

39. 以下哪个 Solidity 代码片段是错误的?

A. contract MyContract {
    function getName() public view returns (string) {
        // ...
B. contract MyContract {
    function getName() public view returns (string) {
        // ...
C. contract MyContract {
    function getName() public view returns (string) {
        // ...
D. contract MyContract {
    function getName() public view returns (string) {
        // ...

40. 以下哪个 Solidity 代码片段是正确的?

A. contract MyContract {
    function setPendingWithdrawal(address to, uint amount) public pure {
        // ...
B. contract MyContract {
    function setPendingWithdrawal(address to, uint amount) public pure {
        // ...
C. contract MyContract {
    function setPendingWithdrawal(address to, uint amount) public pure {
        // ...
D. contract MyContract {
    function setPendingWithdrawal(address to, uint amount) public pure {
        // ...

41. 以下哪个 Solidity 代码片段是错误的?

A. contract MyContract {
    function getPendingWithdrawalAmount(address to) public view returns (uint) {
        // ...
B. contract MyContract {
    function getPendingWithdrawalAmount(address to) public view returns (uint) {
        // ...
C. contract MyContract {
    function getPendingWithdrawalAmount(address to) public view returns (uint) {
        // ...
D. contract MyContract {
    function getPendingWithdrawalAmount(address to) public view returns (uint) {
        // ...

42. 以下哪个 Solidity 代码片段是正确的?

A. contract MyContract {
    function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint amount) public pure {
        // ...
B. contract MyContract {
    function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint amount) public pure {
        // ...
C. contract MyContract {
    function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint amount) public pure {
        // ...
D. contract MyContract {
    function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint amount) public pure {
        // ...

1. 什么是智能合约?

2. 智能合约与传统合同有何不同?

3. 何谓Smart Contracts?

4. 何谓Ethereum?

5. 如何编写一个简单的智能合约?

6. 什么是DApp?

7. 什么是 token?

8. 什么是智能合约安全漏洞?



1. D 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. B 8. D 9. D 10. A
11. A 12. B 13. A 14. C 15. B 16. C 17. A 18. D 19. D 20. B
21. B 22. C 23. B 24. A 25. D 26. C 27. A 28. B 29. D 30. B
31. B 32. A 33. B 34. A 35. B 36. A 37. B 38. A 39. C 40. D
41. A 42. B


1. 什么是智能合约?

思路 :首先解释智能合约的概念,然后说明其基于区块链技术,最后阐述智能合约的主要功能。

2. 智能合约与传统合同有何不同?

思路 :对比智能合约与传统合同的不同之处,突出智能合约的自动化、去中心化等特点。

3. 何谓Smart Contracts?

Smart Contracts是一种基于区块链技术的智能合约。它是一种自动执行的代码,能够根据预设的条件和规则进行执行。
思路 :首先介绍Smart Contracts的名称,然后说明其基于区块链技术,并解释智能合约的执行方式。

4. 何谓Ethereum?

思路 :首先介绍Ethereum的平台性质,然后说明其支持智能合约的创建和部署。

5. 如何编写一个简单的智能合约?

编写智能合约需要掌握一定的编程语言,如Solidity。然后通过 Remix 等工具编写智能合约的代码,并进行编译和部署。
思路 :简要介绍编写智能合约的基本步骤,强调需要掌握一定的编程语言和工具。

6. 什么是DApp?

思路 :首先介绍 DApp 的概念,然后说明其基于区块链技术,最后阐述其去中心化的特点。

7. 什么是 token?

Token 是一种代币,它可以代表一种价值,并在特定的平台上进行交易。在区块链上,Token 通常作为智能合约的一种输入参数。
思路 :首先介绍 Token 的概念,然后说明其可以代表一种价值,并在特定平台上进行交易,最后阐述其在区块链上的应用。

8. 什么是智能合约安全漏洞?

思路 :首先介绍智能合约安全漏洞的概念,然后说明智能合约安全漏洞的危害,最后提供一些防范措施。

